It’s Not Your Fault

It’s not your fault. Repeat after me, “It’s not my fault.”

  • It’s not your fault that he cheated on you.
  • It’s not your fault that she abused you.
  • It’s not your fault that you were abandoned as a child.
  • It’s not your fault that your parents got divorced.
  • It’s not your fault that your father hit you.
  • It’s not your fault that your partner left you.
  • It’s not your fault that he hit your child.
  • It’s not your fault that she manipulates you.
  • It’s not your fault that they threatened you.
  • It’s not your fault that you were abused.
  • It’s not your fault that you were traded.
  • It’s not your fault that you were used.
  • It’s not your fault that you were lied to.
  • It’s not your fault that you’ve been bullied.
  • It’s not your fault that people talk bad about you.
  • It’s not your fault that you were kidnapped.
  • It’s not your fault that you have depression.
  • It’s not your fault that you have bipolar disorder.
  • It’s not your fault that you hallucinate.
  • It’s not your fault that you have that diagnosis.
  • It’s not your fault that you were taken advantage of.
  • It’s not your fault that he kept going when you said, “Stop.”
  • It’s not your fault that she wouldn’t stop when you told her to.
  • It’s not your fault that they verbally abuse you.
  • It’s not your fault that he emotionally abuses you.

Please know that whatever situation you are in, you are not alone. This season will NOT last forever. Seek help. Find helpful resources. Talk to someone you trust. Speak out.

Many people experience circumstances in which they become scared to talk. You might be in a situation where you feel in danger or where you have been in danger. If you are immediate danger, call 911. If you need a safe place to go, your country or state likely has a hotline that you can call.

26 thoughts on “It’s Not Your Fault

  1. Kacie says:

    I hope that anyone who needs to read this can find their way to this page. Positive affirmations are so important, and can be the first step to big changes!


  2. seasidemermaid says:

    I was mostly verbally (sometimes physically) abused as a child. I blamed myself for years. Now that I’m older, I realize I’m not and should not be held accountable for others’ actions. -HilLesha


  3. Skye says:

    Those words are so so powerful and so important to speak to yourself! We are not the victim’s of other people’s actions and feeling and it is not our fault! Thank you so much for sharing!


  4. Sarah says:

    Such powerful words! I’ve only been in minor abusive circumstances (a verbally abusive relationship that lasted 2.5 years) but it helps to know we’re not the only ones.


  5. Megan McCoig says:

    A very powerful post, and wonderful way to write it to get the message across. It’s a horrible feeling to feel alone so thanks for the guidance.


  6. Ana De Jesus says:

    I was physically and emotionally abused as a child and at the time it didn’t affect me much and I thought I didn’t need counselling. But as the years went on coupled with the severe bullying I was facing I began to think that I am not good enough and loathed the way I looked. Even now it is still the same and it is an uphill battle that I am trying to climb!


  7. Robin Rue (@massholemommy) says:

    I love this SO much. There is someone that needs to hear one of these things out there today and I hope they see this.


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