5 Original Quotes to Conquer Depression

 1. Not a slave. 

2. Bottom of the glass. 

3. Life takes courage.  

 4. Every second is a victory. 

 5. Isolation feeds depression. Surround yourself with people who love you. 

26 thoughts on “5 Original Quotes to Conquer Depression

  1. workoutwithdi says:

    Great quotes. For me I know that when I was struggling earlier this month surrounding myself with positive things and people helped. It’s too easy when you’re depressed to seek out more sadness. Instead turn to the light.


  2. ee2368 says:

    Honestly, this really offends me. I’m not just sharing this because my heart is in a good place. I’m sharing this as someone who has treated people with depression and who has seen what actually works in a clinical setting. You are right about depression being a deep, overwhelming thing, which is what I actually have addressed in previous posts. Before you make any heart judgments, I suggest reading further. If you want to read more of my work on depression, read my previous post.

    Push Through It: 12 Ways to Manage Depression during Gaps in Coverage


  3. laura londergan says:

    these are such great quotes for people to see whether they suffer or not. It’s so important to try and stay positive every day when things get to us and having something like this as a reminder can help.


  4. littlemisscant says:

    This issue is one that is closer to my heart than I had hoped it ever would be.
    My sister suffers with depression and as one who doesn’t it’s really hard to understand the physical pain that they are feeling. The biggest thing is to surround yourself with people who love you and reach out! They are there and want to help!


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