15 Journaling Prompts


Journaling is one of the best ways to get in touch with yourself. I journal daily, and it helps me process the events of the day. Sometimes I journal by writing down whatever comes to mind with no filter. Other times I prefer to have prompts to guide my writing process. Here are fifteen journaling prompts to use when you journal. Some are serious, but most of them are fun.

  1. What are your obstacles right now? The things that are preventing you from attaining what you want out of life, what are they? What will it take to overcome those obstacles? Name at least five and be specific with your answers.
  2. Pick one object that inspires you for today. Pick a tangible, meaningful object that gives you hope and write about it. Focus on it for the day.
  3. Suppose that there is a bubble around you that goes everywhere you go. Describe this bubble. Think of what its boundary is composed of, who is in the bubble with you, and the messages you constantly tell yourself or hear other people saying. Is this bubble a positive or negative thing for you? Is it one that you need to get out of or is it healthy?
  4. Write a letter to someone who has offended or hurt you. Don’t send it to them, but write everything down that you would want to communicate to them.
  5. You and some passengers on your cruise get left behind on a secluded island. Write about what you will do during your time in the island, how you will survive, and how you will get off the island. Nothing is off limits.
  6. Design a business plan for a nonprofit organization. What kind do you want to create? How would you secure funding?
  7. When you have bad days, what do you wish people would say to you to encourage you?
  8. What songs would be on your playlist while climbing Mt. Everest?
  9. Write a screenplay about a subject you’ve never heard of or had experience with before. Who would play the leading and supporting roles?
  10. Suppose this wasn’t the last season of Downton Abbey and you’ve been cast in the show. Which role would you play and why? Would you be an existing character or a new character?
  11. Suppose you have an enormous library in your home. How do you categorize your bookshelves? How do you style it?
  12. What needs to happen in your life to make it closer to what you dream about?
  13. Which type of food best describes your personality? What dishes does it contain?
  14. Write a travel guide for your favorite destination.
  15. Suppose you were chosen to speak to a group of college students. What would your topic and outline be for your talk?